Community asked for input on design for Green Lake Small Craft Center improvements

by | Sep 27, 2018

Seattle Parks and Recreation is asking the community for input on the preliminary design for potential improvements to the Green Lake Small Craft Center.
Parks is holding an information session from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 3, at the Green Lake Small Craft Center, 5900 West Green Lake Way N. Meet the design team, Schacht | Aslani Architects, learn about the site opportunities and constraints, and offer input on what a new small craft center might look like. This is a follow-up to the initial design idea meeting in June.
Initial funding is coming from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ Neighborhood Matching Fund Program. The Green Lake Rowing Advisory Council is looking for more funding from the Seattle Park District Major Projects Challenge Fund, State grants, and private fundraising.

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