King County will get increased bus service beginning this Saturday. In our neighborhood, Route 5, 5 Express and RapidRide E Line will add peak period trips.
On weekdays, Route 5 will add a southbound trip to downtown leaving Phinney Avenue North and North 46th Street at 8:26 a.m.; and Route 5 Express will add a southbound trip from Greenwood Avenue North and North 145th Street at 8:50 a.m.
On the RapidRide E Line, two new weekday southbound trips to downtown will leave Bay 10 at the Aurora Village Transit Center at 8:19 a.m. and 9:18 a.m., plus two new northbound trips to Aurora Village will leave Prefontaine Place South and Yesler Way at 5:18 p.m. and 6:42 p.m.
Nearby, Ballard’s RapidRide D Line also will add peak commute trips.