King County Executive to honor Phinney Neighborhood Association for helping the neighborhood recover after last year’s Greenwood gas explosion

by | Sep 25, 2017

King County Executive Dow Constantine tomorrow will honor the Phinney Neighborhood Association for its efforts to help the neighborhood recover after last year’s natural gas explosion in Greenwood. The ceremony is at 1 p.m. at the PNA.

The early morning explosion on March 9, 2016, leveled three businesses, damaged another 50, and sent nine firefighters to the hospital.

The PNA’s staff was out in the neighborhood immediately, assessing damage at businesses and residences, and they organized a fundraising effort that ultimately raised more than $330,000 to help businesses recover and displaced residents find a place to stay.

The state Utilities and Transportation Commission ultimately found Puget Sound Energy at fault for a contractor that improperly decommissioned a line a decade before, and fined PSE a record $2.75 million.

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