Metro Transit changes begin Saturday, Routes 5, 28 and RapidRide E Line adding service

by | Mar 8, 2017

Metro Transit’s spring schedule begins Saturday, and it’s adding trips to more than 80 bus routes throughout King County, including Routes 5 and 28 Express and the RapidRide E Line in our neighborhood.

Route 5 will add two southbound trips from Shoreline Community College to downtown on weekday mornings, and some route times will change slightly, improving frequency to every 12 minutes between 6:30 and 8 a.m.

Route 28 Express will add two morning trips from 8th Avenue NW and NW 97th Street to downtown, improving frequency to every 7-10 minutes between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m.

RapidRide E Line will add one weekday morning trip from Aurora Village Transit Center to downtown, and existing trip times will be adjusted, so that buses will arrive at South Washington Street and 3rd Avenue every four minutes between 8:11 and 8:31 a.m. Also, a northbound afternoon trip will be added, and existing trip times adjusted, so that buses will leave Prefontaine Place South and Yesley Way every four to five minutes between 4:24 and 4:52 p.m.

You can see all the schedule changes here.

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