Revised schedule for garbage, yard waste and recycling pickup begins today after Monday’s snow delays

by | Feb 7, 2017

Seattle Public Utilities has resumed pickup of garbage, yard waste and recycling today, but on a revised schedule due to yesterday’s snow.

  • Monday residential customers, north of I-90 will be collected today (Tuesday).
  • Monday residential customers, south of I-90: Due to continued icy conditions, there is no residential garbage, recycling or food/yard waste pickup in these areas again today. Customers should put out materials on their next regularly scheduled pick up day (next Monday), as described below.
  • Tuesday residential customers will be collected tomorrow (Wednesday), weather and road conditions permitting.
  • Wednesday, Thursday and Friday services will all be delayed one day this week.

For Monday residential customers south of I-90 or other customers not serviced this week due to icy roads, please put containers out on your next regularly scheduled pickup day. Customers missed this week will be allowed to set out double their normal amount of garbage, recycling and yard waste at no additional charge, on their next scheduled collection day. Please use extra bags or boxes for the additional materials. For service updates, please check Follow SPU on Twitter:

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