Greenwood Avenue will be repaved between North 112th and 125th streets Tuesday and Wednesday nights

by | Sep 26, 2016

Seattle Department of Transportation will repave Greenwood Avenue North between North 112th and 125th streets on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

Work will start at 7 p.m. both nights and last until 6 a.m. One travel lane in each direction will be maintained.

  • Tuesday night, September 27, the southbound lanes between N 112th and N 125th streets will be paved.
  • Wednesday night, September 28, the northbound lanes between N 112th and N 125th streets will be paved.
  • Motorists will NOT be able to enter or exit driveways for several hours, until the newly laid asphalt has had time to cool. For motorists who are impacted, please consider parking on side streets if you need to come and go during the affected time period.
  • In some locations, on-street parking adjacent to the paving will be prohibited until the repaved lanes have reopened. (A-frame signs will be placed in these locations in advance of paving to inform impacted motorists.)
  • On Tuesday night, it is estimated that the southbound driveways between N 120th and N 125th streets will be closed from 7 p.m. until midnight, while the southbound driveways between N 112th and N 120th streets will be closed from midnight until 6 a.m.Wednesday morning. These hours are estimates that could change depending on how the paving process progresses.
  • On Wednesday night, it is estimated that the northbound driveways between N 120th and N 125th streets will be closed from 7 p.m. until midnight, while the northbound driveways between N 112th and N 120th streets will be closed from midnight until 6 a.m.on Thursday. These hours are estimates that could change depending on how the paving process progresses.
  • The work is expected to create noise, dust, vibration, light, and asphalt odor.
  • Emergency vehicles will have access if needed.

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