The Phinney Ridge Community Council meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Phinney Center, 6532 Phinney Ave. N.
On the agenda:
- Introduction of 2016-17 board members — New: Jeff Reibman and Scot French; Re-elected: Terry Cook, Mark Phillips, Irene Wall, Craig Fryle, Ted Inkley and Duncan Griffin; Continuing: Carolyn Lee, Susan Wagner, Tom Yeager, John Bito, Mary Lou Reslock, Chuck Ayers and Alice Poggi
- Development updates on 7009 Greenwood Ave. N. and 6726 Greenwood Ave. N.
- Land Use Policies: Housing Affordability Livability Agenda, Backyard Cottage proposed legislation, Seattle Comprehensive Plan 2035
- Neighborhood parking issues
- Officer elections for president, vice president(s), secretary and treasurer