A troop of our famous holiday light monkeys are back at the Phinney Center for a couple of months to test out new weatherproofing techniques.
More details from Monkey volunteer Mike V:
Four monkeys have returned to the PNA’s air raid tower to celebrate the Chinese New Year—the year of the monkey—beginning February 8. They’re also there to test modified weatherproofing of their sometimes temperamental LED controllers. The monkeys will remain on the tower into March and once the best weatherproofing method is determined, it will be applied to monkeys that live outdoors along Phinney and Greenwood every December. It will also be used on 50 new monkeys the PNA will make available for private purchase to its monkey-loving members as part of a fundraising project on behalf of the Greenwood Senior Center later this spring.
Each monkey costs over $100 in materials—steel flat bar, powder-coating, LED strips — to make, matched by at least that dollar amount in volunteer time to bend and weld the flat bar, weatherproof the controllers and affix the LED strips, so the price of each monkey will be around $300. This will net the PNA and its monkey-manufacturing volunteers about $200 per monkey and raise $10,000 overall.
Monkeys can be reserved by contacting Chardell Paine at the PNA, 206.783.2244 or [email protected].