Phinney Ridge resident Ken Jennings, the all-time Jeopardy! champion, is a finalist for a 2015 Washington Center for the Book Award for middle readers (ages 9-12) for “Ken Jennings’ Junior Genius Guides: Maps and Geographies.” Winners will be announced at the awards celebration from 7-9 p.m. on Oct. 10 at the Central Library.
Woodland Park Zoo’s new Banyan Wilds tiger exhibit recently received four mature palm trees from a development site on Eastlake. The trees, worth $14,000, were on the old Azteca site. They were donated by Daly Partners.
Photo courtesy Woodland Park Zoo.
Neighborhood groups wanting to apply for the Small and Simple Projects Fund have until Oct. 5 to ask for up to $25,000 for community-building projects that are matched by community contributions.
Donna Kay has opened Fee Simple Real Estate in the neighborhood. Kay says it’s a “consumer focused” brokerage which offers alternatives to commission-style real estate sales.
Last month’s Greenwood Street Soccer Tournament and PhinneyWood Summer Streets raised $7,771 for the Innovators Network at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.
A reminder that Summer Parkways is coming to Ballard-PhinneyWood from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 19. Seattle Department of Transportation, Cascade Bicycle Club, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways and other organizations will close down seven miles of streets to cars and open them up to walkers, skaters, bikers, etc. They’re still looking for volunteers to help with intersections, man information booths and act as mobile bike mechanics. Volunteers receive snacks, water and a Summer Parkways T-shirt. You can sign up for a volunteer position online.
Skandia Folkdance Society has started a new class for beginners at the Phinney Neighborhood Association, 6532 Phinney Ave. N. Classes are from 7:30-9 p.m. Wednesdays through Oct. 14.
We are recruiting for LEADS especially, but FOLLOWS are welcome too. You do not need to have ANY previous dance experience. If you can walk, you can dance! We will be teaching basic couple dancing and using pivot turns and schottis to get started. The music is great and it is the most fun way to exercise and make new friends. Please try to bring shoes with smooth soles for better turning.
Northwest Boychoir is holding auditions for new members on Nov. 7 at its offices and rehearsal space at the University Heights Center. Boys aged 6-9 are eligible to audition; no previous music or vocal training is necessary.
Audition appointments are scheduled through the Northwest Choirs office by calling 206-524-3234. Auditions are private and low-key, designed to make the boys feel comfortable and relaxed. They last about 15 minutes, and parents are strongly encouraged to be present.
Founded in 1974, and currently celebrating its 40th anniversary, the Northwest Boychoir enrolls about 150 young singers annually in five levels of training choirs. Members represent 115 public and private schools in the greater Seattle area. Northwest Boychoir music staff members are trained musicians and music educators. Members enjoy the benefit of small classes and focused instruction.
For more information regarding auditions or the Northwest Boychoir, call 206-524-3234 or visit the website at
Phinney Ridge’s 9 Cranes Inn is the latest site for the Red Chair, a simple chair that is on a cross-country tour to raise awareness of small inns and bed and breakfasts. Innkeepers are chronicling the chair’s travels with blog posts and photos. 9 Cranes Inn is at 5717 Phinney Ave. N.