Broadview-Thomson K-8 is one of several Seattle Public Schools receiving a total of $3.2 million from the 2011 Families and Education Levy. The money will go to support students’ academic success, close the achievement gap, and better prepare students for college or a career.
The Metropolitan King County Council is donating 27 surplus Metro Vanpool vans to local organizations, including the North Seattle Boys & Girls Club in Greenwood. The retired vans have been part of Metro Transit’s fleet for at least six years and have reached the end of their service life. The King County Council has donated more than 430 retired Metro vans since 1996.
The Brandi Carlile ZooTunes concerts on Aug. 22-23 have sold out. Ticket still remain for the other concerts at Woodland Park Zoo’s North Meadow.
During the first two weekends in June, Seattle Department of Transportation will install green thermal plastic safety markings at driveways and streets that cross the cycle track on Linden Avenue North, between North 128th and North 145th streets. Streets may be temporarily closed but driveway access will be maintained. The work is scheduled for 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays (weather depending). During the next month, SDOT crews also will complete landscaping and art work installation along the route.
Woodland Park Zoo has a new male red-crowned crane chick, born two weeks ago.
Photo by Dennis Dow, Woodland Park Zoo.
The 21-year-old parents, Niles and Maris, were donated to Woodland Park Zoo in 1992 from Japan’s Kobi Oji Zoo with hopes of bringing more red-crowned cranes into the world. Red-crowned cranes are severely endangered in their native habitat, with an estimated 2,700 cranes remaining in the Amur Basin of Northeast Asia and only 80 cranes in institutions accredited by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums. Since the species joined Woodland Park Zoo more than two decades ago, the zoo has celebrated 13 successful hatchings from the pair.