Don’t dump that used cooking oil down the drain

by | Nov 22, 2012

You’ll likely have a bunch of cooking oil left over from Thanksgiving dinner, but instead of pouring it down the drain (which could cause you headaches with clogged pipes), you can give it new life as biodiesel fuel.

General Biodiesel and King County are partnering to collect used cooking oil at 15 sites in the county. And most of those recycling locations are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The two sites nearest to the PhinneyWood area are in Wallingford and Shoreline. Both the Vine Christian Ministries, 4000 Whitman Ave. N. in Wallingford, and Central Market, 15505 Westminster Way N. in Shoreline, accept vegetable oil only.

King County Wastewater Treatment has more information on keeping oils and grease out of your pipes.

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