Final paving on Greenwood Avenue Monday and Tuesday, eastbound detours on 85th Street begin Tuesday

by | Jun 10, 2012

Seattle Department of TransportationĀ  crews will complete final paving on Greenwood Avenue North between North 84th and 73rd streets on Monday and Tuesday (as long as the weather holds). Crews will work from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
On-street parking will be temporarily removed and access to driveways and side streets will be affected for a few hours. Crews are still reconstructing corners with new curb ramps between North 80thĀ 73rd streets.
Road crews plan to mark the pavement on Wednesday evening.
The next big phase of work on 85th Street begins on Tuesday, after the morning commute. That’s when SDOT crews will implement eastbound detours between Greenwood Avenue North and Aurora Avenue North. All eastbound traffic on North 85th Street will be rerouted to North 80th Street. Left turns will not be allowed from North 80th Street onto Aurora Avenue North.
This is going to cause a lot of congestion, so plan ahead and leave yourself more time to get where you’re going.
And coming up in June and July, the intersection of Aurora Avenue North and North 85th Street will be closed several times for reconstruction and stormwater work. We will let you know those dates as soon as SDOT schedules them.
Remember that all businesses are open during construction!

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