The Phinney Neighborhood Association’s annual auction this year wants you to relive memories from your high school prom. “Prom — The Way We Weren’t” is from 5-10 p.m. on Saturday, May 5, at the PNA, 6532 Phinney Ave. N.
Tickets are $55 per person, or $75 for patrons. Auction items include goods and services from many neighborhood businesses, plus trips to Mexico and the Methow Valley, ZooTunes season tickets, Alaska Airline tickets, boat trips, and gift certificates to local restaurants.
You can preview auction items on the PNA website to start planning your bidding strategy (hovering during the countdown, or divide-and-conquer with your spouse for multiple items). The website will be updated weekly with new donations.
There’s still time to donate. Email [email protected] or call 206-783-2244 for forms and donations.