Greenwood Garage Sale Day coming up on May 19

by | Apr 5, 2012

The popular annual Greenwood Garage Sale Day is back on Saturday, May 19, for its 19th year.
More than 100 garage and yard sales typically register for the event. There’s also a flea market at the Phinney Neighborhood Center, along with a tool sale and an electronic recycling event.
You can register your garage sale or flea market online, or pick up a registration form at the PNA. Registration for a garage sale is $15 for PNA members, $20 for the general public and $20 for non-profit rummage sales. Flea market spaces are $25 for members and $30 for the general public.
The PNA promotes Garage Sale Day with newspaper and online advertising, and online and printed maps of all registered sale addresses and descriptions of items for sale.
This year’s Garage Sale map will be created by UW Bothell students as a class project. The students will be available to come to your home to photograph items for the online map on May 4 and 5; or you can email your own photos to [email protected].
Registration cut off is May 11. If you have any questions call 206-783-2244 or email [email protected].

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