Summer Mohrlang from the Green Bean Coffeehouse tells us that the coffee shop had a partial power outage on its block at 86th and Greenwood at about 12:30 p.m. Tuesday. The coffee shop had to shut down at 2 p.m. because the espresso machine wasn’t working, but the refrigerators and freezers had power.
Several hours later, however, power was lost to the refrigerators and freezers. Mohrlang said Razzi’s Pizzeria next door, which did not lose power, allowed Green Bean workers to transfer all of the refrigerated and frozen items to Razzi’s overnight. Mohrlang said the Green Bean would have lost hundreds of dollars worth of stock without that help from Razzi’s.
Mohrlang sent this picture of four utility trucks parked behind Green Bean at about 8 p.m. Tuesday, still trying to restore power.
Seattle City Light tells me the outage was caused by a bad cable, and that 173 customers lost power. Power to 172 of those – all except the Green Bean – was restored at 7:16 p.m. Utility crews continued working on the big junction box behind the Green Bean, and finally restored power to the coffee shop at 11:46 p.m.
Mark Morhlang told me this morning that the Green Bean will be opening late today, at 12 p.m., after employees move all their product back over from Razzi’s.