NW District Council picks 3 safety projects for city funding

by | May 2, 2011

At its monthly meeting last week, the NW District Council chose three projects from a list of nine community-submitted ideas as priorities for city funding.
Every year, each of the city’s 13 district councils selects three projects they consider to be priorities in their district. Projects are submitted by community members and groups, and are for small-scale safety improvements to streets or parks. The Neighborhood Projects Fund (NPF) provides about $90,000 per district per year for the priority projects.
The projects that the NW District Council selected are:

  • Improve safety for vehicles and pedestrians at the five-way intersection where North 66th Street intersects with Woodland Place North and Linden Ave North on the far east side of Phinney Ridge by Green Lake.
  • Pave and make necessary repairs and adjustments to existing walkway along the southern edge of the Woodland park Zoo; north of North 50th Street from Fremont to Phinney avenues.
  • Paint, or otherwise establish a better separation on the Inner Green Lake Loop and sign with stenciled “heels vs. wheels.”

The NW District Council has also asked Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) to evaluate cost and feasibility for an additional two projects:

  • Install two radar speed display signs on 8th Avenue NW from NW 85th Street to NW 100th Street.
  • Construct textured crosswalks along NW 85th Street for at least one intersection; to be incorporated into SDOT’s major repaving project of 85th Street from I-5 to 15th Avenue NW, set to begin this fall. Textured crosswalks provide better visibility for motorists and pedestrians.

SDOT and Seattle Parks and Recreation will submit their analysis of the five projects by late June.

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