Beer Trek beaming down at PNA

by | Oct 23, 2010

The theme for the Phinney Neighborhood Association’s upcoming beer taste has taken on otherworldly dimensions with Beer Trek, which promises “to seek out new beers and to boldly go where no beer has gone before!”

Beer as the final frontier. Fascinating.

The fundraising event for the PNA happens 7-10 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 13, at the Phinney Neigbhorhood Center, 6532 Phinney Ave. N. 

Twenty-eight Northwest microbreweries will have samples of their winter ales and other favorite beers. No word on whether Aldeberan Whiskey and Saurian Brandy will also be served. Tickets are $25 for PNA members, $30 for the general public and $10 for designated drivers.

While there is no promise that you’ll “live long and prosper” if you attend, you will receive ten beer tastes, music by the Shed Boys, pub snacks and a silent auction of beer paraphernalia. Tickets can be purchased online, or at the Phinney Neighborhood Center. Be sure to check out the picture of the crew on the PNA’s beer taste page.

Participating breweries include Anacortes, Baron, Bayern, Big Al, Boundary Bay, Chuckanut, Deschutes, Diamond Knot, Elysian, Epic, Fish, Fremont, Georgetown, Golden Hills, Hale’s, Harmon, Maritime Pacific, Naked City, Ninkasi, Odin, Pike, Port Townsend, Schooner Exact, Scuttlebutt, Sierra Nevada, Silver City, Two Beers, and two home brewers.

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