New traffic signal at 105th & Fremont for bike route

by | Jul 22, 2010

The Seattle Department of Transportation is installing a new traffic signal at the intersection of Fremont Avenue North and North 105th Street to serve the Interurban North signed bicycle route. The signal will be installed in early August.

Bicyclists and pedestrians on Fremont Avenue North will be allowed to continue straight through the intersection (when the light is green) but vehicles on Fremont Avenue North will be required to turn right or left onto 105th Street. The purpose of the restriction is to prevent excessive “cut through” traffic on Fremont Avenue North.
The Interurban North signed bicycle route connects downtown Seattle to Everett. Similar signalized crossings have already been installed on Fremont Avenue North at North 80th and North 85th streets.
This work is part of SDOT’s implementation of the Seattle Bicycle Master Plan and is funded by the Bridging the Gap transportation levy approved by Seattle voters in 2006.

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