Can you cut your carbon footprint to have absolutely no impact on the planet? One man tried, and you can see the results at the pre-DVD release community screening of “No Impact Man” at 7 p.m. Friday at the Greenwood Senior Center, 525 N. 85th St.
Studies show that 70% of us are unhappy with the shopping frenzy that surrounds the holidays but most of us don’t know how to get off the treadmill. What if we worked together to find another way to celebrate? During the days of the historic UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen, we’re bringing people together to talk about shopping. Join the No Impact Project (NIP) and Center for a New American Dream (CNAD) for a nationwide pre-DVD release community screening of the documentary, “No Impact Man.” A $5 donation or 3 items of non-perishable food are encouraged. All proceeds will go to the No Impact Project and or local food banks. Questions? Contact Emily at the Greenwood Senior Center: (206) 297-0875, or [email protected].