Seattle has new snow plan, street maintenance director

by | Oct 6, 2009

After last December’s disastrous snow response, the city has come

up with a new plan that includes using more salt and hired a new street maintenance director who has considerable snow removal experience.

Here’s the full press release:

City Debuts New Snow Plan for Seattle

Applies national best practices, hires new Street Maintenance director

SEATTLE – The city of Seattle today announced the completion of a comprehensive effort to revamp and upgrade its winter storm readiness and response plan. In addition, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) welcomes aboard Monty Sedlak as the new director of Street Maintenance.

“Based on nationwide best practices, our new plan will ensure Seattle is ready for any kind of winter storm,” said SDOT Director Grace Crunican. “With an aggressive, high-tech oriented approach and new leadership, SDOT will keep people and goods moving in Seattle during challenging winter weather.”

Plan highlights include:

-A new approach to snow that includes an expanded use of salt brine and salt, and limited use of sand;

-Significant improvements to facilities and fleet to include GPS technology and weather awareness;

-An improved organizational structure and significant training for winter storms;

-A commitment to better communicate with the people of Seattle and agency partners; and

-Performance measures to objectively evaluate accomplishments.

Designed in consultation with King County Metro Transit, city agencies and other key partners, the plan will facilitate a coordinated response that keeps buses moving and critical institutions accessible, including hospitals. Businesses and residents are reminded of their obligation to shovel sidewalks near their properties.

Mr. Sedlak, formerly the Road and Bridge Division manager for Arapahoe County, Colo., possesses significant winter storm experience and will be a key leader in applying SDOT’s new snow response procedures as of October 26. To learn more about the plan and the new snow map, visit

The Seattle Department of Transportation builds, maintains and operates Seattle’s $12 billion transportation infrastructure. To further Mayor Nickels’ goal to get Seattle moving, the department manages short- and long-term investments in streets, bridges, pavement and trees, that better connect the city with the region.

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