PARK(ing) Day in Greenwood

by | Sep 18, 2009

Today is International PARK(ing) Day, where people take over a parking spot to turn it into a mini park for the day. Thirty groups are vying for the prize of best PARK(ing) Day spot in Seattle, including this one here in Greenwood, sponsored by the Greater Greenwood Bi/Ped Safety Coalition.

That’s arborist Michael Oxman, standing on the speaker’s platform of the Greenwood PARK(ing) Day spot in front of Steven Cole Salon and the Pig n’ Whistle on Greenwood Avenue North. You can’t see it in this picture, but the spot also includes a bike rack, table and chairs for sitting and chatting, and more nice greenery. The speakers platform is intended to be like an old-fashioned soapbox, to give anyone a chance to speak their mind.
PARK(ing) Day is intended to promote walking and biking, and to get people thinking about alternatives to gas guzzling cars. “We’re demonstrating the fact that there’s a solution to the problem of too many cars,” Oxman said.
He also said Neptune Coffee would deliver a latte to the park if you wanted, and the Pig n’ Whistle offered to deliver lunch to the outside table.
PARK(ing) Day goes until 3 p.m. today, then there’s an awards ceremony to determine the best spot in Seattle.

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