If you’re a little troubled with the way townhomes are impacting the character of our neighborhood and want to see better development and design, you might want to attend the Seattle City Council’s Planning, Land Use & Neighborhoods Committee’s (PLUNC) special North-end meeting on July 14.
The 6 p.m. meeting is at the University Heights Community Center in the University District (5031 University Way NE, Room 209). Titled “Our Multifamily Code Update – Chapter 1, Fixing Design of Townhomes and Other Lowrise Housing,” its a working meeting of the committee, but the second half will be opened up to attendees.
Townhomes are just one issue among many that will be addressed in the multifamily code update, but it will be the bulk of what we’ll talk about at these two community meetings. These forums are prime opportunities to weigh in on the proposal at an early stage of the legislation’s review, and a great chance to talk proactively about housing choices, affordability and neighborhood-friendly design.
If you want more information about the multi-family code update, including links to previous meetings where the issue was discussed, click here.