Volunteer to help Greenwood Park plan

by | Mar 8, 2009

Vision Greenwood Park recently got a $15,000 grant from the city’s Department of Neighborhoods Matching Fund to hire a landscape architect who will help VGP create a plan for the expansion of Greenwood Park into two parcels on the park’s east side.

Loretta Vosk, Chair of Friends of Greenwood Park says in order to collect the money, people need to match the grant by volunteering their time (valued at $15 per hour).

The Parks Department owns two cleared properties on the east side of the Park on the north and south corners. Here’s a couple pictures of what they look like, pre-snow.

Vosk writes that the two properties in between these lots are privately owned but the hope is that one day those, too, can be purchased and made part of Greenwood Park. The landscaping plan will include a vision for the two empty lots as well as potential uses for the two private center properties.

The landscape architects will facilitate a process that will provide meaningful opportunities for public input on the expanded uses that we can include in Greenwood Park to better serve our community. Our goal is to add amenities that will provide enjoyment for under-served groups, including Seniors and Teens. No decision will be made until the end of the public process. But throughout this process, we will work with City departments that have a real or potential interest in our plans, including Parks, Transportation, the Dept. of Neighborhoods P-Patch program and the Seattle Police Department (to ensure a safe environment). Although various interest groups are gathering and are ready to put in volunteer time help create an improved Greenwood Park, the ultimate uses of the new properties will not be decided until there is a opportunity for all interested parties to be heard. These will include neighbors adjacent to the Park and those who live farther away but enjoy its amenities.

If you would like to get involved, please contact Ronni Wolfe ([email protected]).

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