Hey neighbors, it’s a busy weekend at the PNA

by | Feb 7, 2009

We swung by the Phinney Neighborhood Center this morning to pick up some Neighbor Appreciation Day cards and ended up staying for the latest installment of the Ridge Romp featuring a performance from Thistle Theatre.

More than 130 kids and parents packed the performance hall in the brick building, attesting to the popularity of this monthly event. Next up March 7 is Eric Ode, followed by the Reptile Man on April 4.

Sunday is the Home Design & Remodeling Fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. They could still use a couple more volunteers today for setup from 2-5 p.m. 

And as for Neighbor Appreciation Day, if you couldn’t make it there today, but want to get some free cards to give to deserving neighbors, call the PNA at 783-2244 to see if they have any more at the front desk. And, dear readers, here is our card to you, for you really make our community the place we love…

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