10:20 a.m.: It’s still snowing hard, especially at 85th and Greenwood Avenue, according to AC, in comments. Temperatures are already dropping, so what’s on the ground will stick around. Drive careful!
8:05 a.m.: Flat roads are slippery, but passable by car and apparently by bike, as this rider on 8th Avenue NW at NW Market Street demonstrated.
If you look at the snow, you can see tracks from at least two other cyclists. Admirable? Or just plain crazy? You decide.
Here’s a map showing the Seattle Department of Transportation’s priority routes for plowing, de-icing and sanding (the dotted lines are “secondary routes”):
Metro buses are chained up, but running late (check the changes here).
5:30 a.m.: Seattle Schools have closed for a second day in a row – this time there’s snow on the ground and more is falling… And I just heard thunder! A thunderclap interrupted Rich Marriott’s forecast and echoed here about five seconds later.
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